
Version #3.7 - 2019-02-16

  • Fixed an error that could cause the tool to freeze upon reload.
  • Fixed wrong placement of the schedule format button in some browsers.
  • Fixed an issue that would result in the text formatted list having an incorrect order.
  • Added a warning/hint if cookies aren't enabled.
  • Prevented language change from always loading the homepage.
  • Fixed an issue where the tool would load in an incorrect background height & width.
  • Added background image search.

Version #3.6 - 2018-11-30

  • Activities are now stretchable. Their hour/minute length can be increased by stretching.
  • Save mode added. Change the settings of your published schedule to switch between manual and automatic save.
  • Republish button added to published schedules.
  • Link to view/share mode added on the edit page of a published schedule.

Version #3.5 - 2018-11-25

  • Added a long-time requested account system.
    Register, login, create schedules and find them directly via your account.
    Give access (email) to other users to edit your schedule together with you.
  • More iCal import/export bug fixes
  • Text format even/odd row color bug fix.
  • Updated layout in "My saved schedules".

Version #3.2 - 2018-11-14

  • Small layout update
  • Added text formatted schedule.
  • Added option to split longer schedules to multiple pages when exporting to PDF
  • Added an alert for when leaving a schedule with unsaved changes
  • Added an optional schedule title
  • iCal import/export bug fixes
  • Activity drag & drop bug fixes

Version #3.1 - 2018-08-24

  • WordPress plugin added
  • Added HTML-script for embedding schedules
  • Added page with info about WordPress plugin and embedding

Version #3 (Major update) - 2018-06-02

  • Website design & layout update
  • Added a "Redo" button
  • Undo & Redo buttons has been bound to CTRL + Z & CTRL + Y
  • Added video guides for all tools
  • Activity drag & drop functionality added
  • Fixed an issue with the background image not showing when printing/downloading
  • Added options to save the schedule as a PDF and ICAL file.
  • Added the option to import schedules from ICAL files.
  • Fixed issues with font- and background colors.
  • Added a FAQ page.

Version #2.1 - 2017-11-12

  • Small layout changes.
  • Added the option to automatically resize the schedule to fit all lines/content.
  • Added the option to simultaneously edit multiple activities with identical titles at once.
  • Added a new published schedule view page.
  • Small changes to the my schedules page.

Version #2 (Major update) - 2017-10-30

  • Full website layout change
  • More default schedule background images added.
  • Schedule maker tools smooth transitioning.
  • Added the option to copy settings from an existing event when adding a new event.
  • Remake of the schedule publishing/sharing system. Share with the click of a button.
  • Added a feedback tab.

Version #1.6 - 2017-10-03

  • Added support for background images. Upload/link your own images or choose one of our default.
  • Added support to display dates on the schedule.
  • The start duration of an object can now be set to the exact minute.
  • The minimum duration of an object has been reduced to five minutes.
  • Added an undo button.
  • Print and save function bug fixes.
  • Other small bugfixes.

Version #1.5.3 - 2016-10-21

  • Added tutorial/guide for first-time users.
  • Added support for displaying time-marks both on corners and inline within an object/course.
  • Other small bugfixes.

Version #1.5.2 - 2016-09-26

  • Large schedules will now be resized to fit one A4 sheet when printing.
  • Added desktop version support for mobile/tablet devices.
  • Other small bugfixes.

Version #1.5.1 - 2016-09-26

  • Merged all old schedules (published prior to the 1.5 update) to the new format.
  • Increased the allowed max-length of object titles.
  • Fixed a bug where checkboxes were unclickable.
  • Other small bugfixes.

Version #1.5 (Major update) - 2016-09-24

  • Cookie system: Schedules will now be stored in the browsers cookies. When reloading/restarting the schedule maker, the last instance will be loaded.
  • Changing time-format/period whilst working on a schedule will no longer reset the schedule.
  • New UI: New user-friendly menus.
  • Added resizing, color and alignment functions for text displayed on schedule objects.
  • Fixed errors/bugs with the 12-hour time format (AM/PM).
  • Added a new page "MY SCHEDULES" which will display all of your published schedules.
  • Website rework: This website is now fully responsive for all devices and resolutions.